◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 张远山先生《人文动物园·鹰》的一点问题:关于鹰的习性 hooklee 张远山先生的《〈人文动物园〉、〈人类素描〉第三版序》写得很谦虚,作 为一个知名的作家,对读者负责的心态值得很多所谓的作家学习。 鉴于张先生在序中提到“书出以后我发现了无数瑕疵”,于是本人也不揣冒 昧就张先生的《人文动物园·鹰》中所涉及的鹰的习性谈谈个人看法。虽然张先 生写的《人文动物园》并不是动物科普,而只是以动物为载体抒发人文感想,但 是如果对动物这个载体的描述与实际情况相差太远,不仅可能误导了一些不清楚 的读者,也会减弱了文章本身抒情说理的力度。谨以本文供张先生再版《人文动 物园》时参考。鉴于本文撰写匆忙,如有不当之处,还请张先生和各位网友指出。 在《人文动物园·鹰》一文中,张先生对鹰的生活习性做了如下的描述: “鹰从不攻击同类,甚至不攻击非同类的空中羽族——他以陆地的异国臣民 为食。” “鹰的主食是兔子,但鹰的天敌是蛇。” 这与本人所了解的鹰的习性并不相符。本人小的时候就喜欢看中央电视台的 《动物世界》,里面经常提到以蛇为主要捕食对象的鹰--蛇鹰,也经常提到一 些种类的鹰是捕杀“同类的空中羽族”的,也有一些鹰主要以水域中的动物(包 括水鸟)为食,而不是以“陆地的异国臣民为食”。虽然有不少鹰以捕食小的哺 乳动物(如兔子)为食,但是往往也都捕食其他小动物,如鼠、蛙和小鸟。因制 作科普记录片享有盛誉的PBS曾经制作过这方面的记录片Eagles,下面是其主页 上找到的关于鹰的分类及食性的相关内容: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/eagles/masters.html Overall, scientists recognize four groups of eagles: The world's 12 species of "serpent eagles" (also called "snake-eagles") typically perch on trees and feed on snakes, frogs, and lizards. The six buzzard-like eagles are forest-dwelling giants, such as the Harpy and Philippine eagles, and prey on large mammals like deer. The thirty "booted" eagles, so-called because feathers grow down the legs and cover the toes, include the widest-ranging eagle of them all: the Golden Eagle, which is found around the world and has learned to feast on an assortment of prey. In Greece, Golden Eagles even eat turtles, dropping them from great heights onto rocks to break open their armored shells. The eleven sea eagles, which include America's beloved Bald Eagle, tend to specialize in eating fish and water birds -- some even hunt flamingoes and poisonous sea snakes. 可以看到,在全世界的所有59种鹰中,就有12种是主要捕食蛇、娃、蜥蜴等 爬行动物的蛇鹰,而11种海鹰(更常译为海雕)则以鱼类和海鸟为主要捕食对象, 甚至包括海蛇。除了海鹰以外,PBS的介绍里面对捕食鸟类的鹰介绍不多,我另 外查了一下,发现不少常见的陆生鹰也都有捕食鸟类的习惯,如金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)、苍鹰(Accipiter gentilis)、松雀鹰(Accipiter virgatus)、 靴隼雕(Hieraaetus pennatus)、大冠鹫(Spilornis cheela,以蛇为主食, 也捕食小鸟)等。另外,有少数种类的鹰甚至主要以昆虫和水果为食,比如 African Vulturine Fish-Eagle就是以油椰子的果实为主食的,PSB主页上的相 关介绍如下: But not all eagles fit this stereotype: some are just small balls of feathers content to flap short distances, dining on insects or even fruit. ... And the African Vulturine Fish-Eagle is primarily a vegetarian, eschewing meat in favor of rich oil palm fruits. 另外,张先生的文章中还这样写道: “鹰用有力的爪子抓起蛇,飞到高空扔下来,这才发现扔不掉,蛇已经把他 紧紧缠住。鹰感到一阵剧痛,他与蛇被一起扔下来,同时摔死在大地上。” 这个描述与实际情况也有出入。对以蛇为捕食对象的蛇鹰而言,一般已经进 化出一套有效的捕食蛇的能力,很少会发生这样的情况。下面这个网址有一段蛇 鹰(大冠鹫)捕食蛇的连续图片介绍: http://nature.hc.edu.tw/vbb/showthread.php?t=665,可以看到,鹰吃蛇的过 程基本上是在地面上完成的,而不是空中。而对于不捕食蛇的鹰而言,蛇与鹰之 间井水不犯河水,一般也应很少发生蛇“蛇缠鹰空中斗”这样的罕见事例。虽然 对于soaring eagles(不知道中文怎么翻译,或许可以译成“飞鹰”或者“翔 鹰”?),空中缠斗的情况确实可能发生,不过并不十分常见,鹰的锐利视觉可 以使它们尽可能地规避这样的风险。而如果确实发生了这样的空中缠斗场面,最 后鹰并不会总是会摔死。关于这种空中缠斗,PBS的记录片Eagles主页上有这样 的描述: To defend these territories and attract a mate, soaring eagles put on spectacular aerial displays. The airshows include death-defying swoops and seemingly suicidal dogfights -- undertaken against both rivals and potential partners -- that involve locking talons with the other bird and free-falling in a death spiral. The great American poet Walt Whitman, witnessing one of these breathtaking displays by Bald Eagles, described it as "a living, fierce, gyrating wheel,/ four beating wings, two beaks, a swirling mass tight grappling,/ in tumbling turning clustering loops, straight downward falling." Sometimes, the dogfights end only when the great birds crash into a treetop or, in rare instances, one dies from hitting the ground. Usually, however, eagle eyes are too keen for the birds to fly blindly into danger. In fact, eagles' vision is among the sharpest of any animal. Wedge-tailed Eagles, for instance, can see twice as far as people. Studies suggest that some eagles can spot an animal the size of a rabbit up to two miles away. (XYS20060626) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇