◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 浙大药学院程翼宇的又一堆问题论文 作者:新语丝同道 程的文章很多,好几百篇,非常高产,平均每周1篇文章,很多标题相似, 不知内容如何,最雷人的是,这些论文竟然全是,973(好几个)、国家九五、 十五、十一五,国家自然科学基金重点(重大)、浙江省科技厅重大等项目,估 计累计经费应该上亿元,我们纳税人的钱呀! 因鄙人专业知识有限,先举一例。 这12篇论文都是有关丹参和丹皮的成分分析,文章内容大同小异,有些纯粹 是拼凑的论文,有些内容是自相矛盾。但都是国家自然科学基金重大项目(No 90209005)和国家973项目(2005CB523402)浙江省中医药科研重点项目 (2006Z14)等大项目的支持,973项目可是上千万的科研费。 文章1和文章2的图1和图3是一模一样,文章2的表2、表3、表4、表5、表6、 表7分别对应文章1的表1、表2、表3、表4、和表5的内容,数据一样表达形式有 改变,看来是经过精心组织的。本以为一稿多投而已,但是这些结果是相同的, 但是样本数却不一样,文章2的样本数是6(n=6),文章1的样本数是5(n=5), 由此可见这两篇中至少一篇的数据是编撰的,甚至根本没做实验数据全部是杜撰 的,不同的样本数,竟然得到一模一样的结果,浙大求是特聘教授就是厉害。当 然造假到什么程度,只有查原始数据才可知。 其它几篇也是东拼西凑,如文章3、4、5、6的内容相互拼凑而来,部分内容 自相矛盾。文章9、10的内容大部分来自文章1、2,但数据又有些差别。 文章7、8则似一稿两投。文章11、12既似一稿两投,部分数据来自文章1、2, 仔细看又不像,好像有无中生有的数据。 哎呀,浙大的特聘教授们就是这样批量生产学术论文,搞科研,纳税人上亿 的血汗钱啊!!!!!!!!! 1、Yu K, Wang YW and Cheng YY: Determination of paeonol and paeoniflorin in Chinese medicine Cortex Moutan and 'Shuangdan' granule by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 40: 1257-1262, 2006. 2、Yu K, Wang YW and Cheng YY: Determination of the active components in Chinese herb cortex moutan by MEKC and LC. Chromatographia 63: 359-364, 2006. 3、He Q, Hu XJ and Cheng YY: Analysis of 'SHUANGDAN' granules by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. J Pharm Biomed Anal 41: 485-92, 2006. 4、Hu X,He Q, Cheng Y, HPLC-MS studies on Chemical constituents of compatibility of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Cortex Moutan. Chin J Pharm Anal. 27(5):621-4,2007. 5、He Q, Ge ZW, Song Y and Cheng YY: Quality evaluation of cortex moutan by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector and electrospary ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 54: 1271-5, 2006. 6、 Song Y, He Q, Li P and Cheng YY: Capillary high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of pinane monoterpene glycosides in Cortex Moutan. J Sep Sci 31: 64-70, 2008. 7、Pan JY and Cheng YY: Identification and analysis of absorbed and metabolic components in rat plasma after oral administration of 'Shuangdan' granule by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. J Pharm Biomed Anal 42: 565-72, 2006. 8、Pan JY and Cheng YY. Simultaneous determination of active components of Shuangdan recipe in rat plasma by high performance liquid chromatogrphahy/Mass spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 34:307-310, 2006. 9、Ge ZW, He Q, Shui WB and Cheng YY: [Determination of salvianolic acid B and paeoniflorin in Shuangdan granules by HPLC]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 31: 1062-4, 2006. 10、Wang YW, Yu K and Cheng YY: [Simultaneous determination of three active constituents in cortex moutan by RP-HPLC]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 31: 1699-701, 2006. 11、Yu K, Wang YW and Cheng YY: Determination of protocatechuic aldehyde, danshensu, salvianolic acid B and gallic acid in Chinese medicine 'SHUANGDAN' granule by MEKC. Chromatographia 63: 389-393, 2006. 12、Yu K, Lin ZY and Cheng YY: Optimization of the buffer system of micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography for the separation of the active components in Chinese medicine 'SHUANGDAN' granule by genetic algorithm. Analytica Chimica Acta 562: 66-72, 2006. (XYS20090409) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇